Congratulations on completing your treatment. As you begin to enjoy your refreshed look, be sure to read through our instructions below.
What to expect after your Botox, Xeomin, or other neuromodulator cosmetic treatment
We will refer specifically to Botox treatment on this page, however, the same guidelines and expectations apply to any neuromodulator treatments. This includes treatment with Botox, Xeomin, Dysport or other neuromodulators.
Once you leave the office after your treatment, you may notice some redness in the injection areas. This is normal and will usually subside (in most people) in 20 to 30 minutes.
The following day, you may notice bruising in the areas of injection. We do everything we can to avoid injections that can cause bruises, but they are sometimes an inevitable and unavoidalbe complication of Botox treatment. It is because of this that we recommend not having Botox treatment within 2 weeks of events (Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions, etc).
2 days to 14 days after your treatment is typically when patients will start to feel and see the effects of Botox. This does not mean that if you start to see results on day 2 that you will continue to experience the same rate of effect for the next two weeks. Different people will experience the results in different times, based on metabolic rate, muscle tone, previous applications of Botox and the areas of treatment. Treatment of the forehead and glabellar regions can make the area feel heavy. You should still have control of your eyebrows and you should still be able to express emotion and feeling on your face. After two weeks, you will not likely see any additional changes.
At your 2 week follow up visit, we will review your results with you to understand how you feel and whether you are happy with what you have experienced. At this appiontment, we can make adjustments to your dosing or add additional doses or treatment as desired. Because we like to start everyone conservatively, it is not uncommon to require additional doses at the follow up until we fine tune your dosing regimen.
Instructions to follow after your treatment with Botox, Xeomin, Dysport or other Neuromodulators
We want you to have a spectacular experience, with spectacular results! In order to maximize your results from neuromodulators and to minimize any unwanted effects, please follow the guidelines listed below.
Avoid herbal supplements such as Ginko, green tea and anti-inflammatories of any kind for 2 weeks before and following treatment to limit bruising.
For the first 2-3 hours following Botox, do your best to remain upright.
Do not participate in activities that include heavy lifting, vigorous exercise or straining for 2- 3 hours. This is the time when the neuromodulator is binding to the nerves that control the muscles. Increasing circulation during this time, before binding, can diminish or reduce results.
Do not rub, touch, or manipulate Botox for 2-3 hours. You don't want to move the Botox away from where it was placed.
If necessary, you may lightly apply makeup to your face. Be gentle and when swiping, swipe up and away from eyes and eyebrows into the forehead area.
Bruising in the area injected is normal and often expected, especially if treated around the eyes. We do what we can to avoid this as much as possible, but sometimes it can't ve avoiced. Bruising can last up to several weeks.
Most people will start to see the effects of Botox in 2-3 days. However, it may take up to 14 days for Botox to take full effect. A follow-up visit at 2 weeks is suggested to assess results for subsequent treatments, particularly if you are a first time Patient. If you feel that you would like to see additional results, additional units may be delivered at this visit.
Re-treatment is typically needed between 3-6 months. • Regular injections usually yield a longer lasting.
If your upper lip was treated you may not be able to drink through a straw, whistle, or enunciate some words for approximately 2 weeks.
Although rare, infection in the injected area is possible. Signs of infection may include redness and tenderness in the infected area and fever.
Should you develop an infection, or other reaction that you think may be caused by the procedure, please call our office.
If you feel that you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1 or visit your nearest emergency room.
Frown Lines
Reduces the lines mostly caused by frowning
Marionette Lines
Softens deep wrinkles extending down from the corners of the mouth
Eyebrow Lift
Relaxes the muscles that pull the brow line down
Smile Enhancements
Makes lips plump & luscious. Can also reduce a “gummy smile”
Glabellar Lines
Smooths verical lines that appear between the eyebrows
Upper LIp Lines
Smooths lines on the upper lip
Crows Feet
Reduces lines from the outer corner of the eye
Forehead Lines
Reduces the wrinkles across the forehead
Why should I see Dr. Pattani for Botox & Fillers?
Dentists have extensive knowledge of facial anatomy and physiology, which is critical for administering Botox safely and effectively. They are trained to provide injections with minimal pain and discomfort, making the experience as comfortable as possible for the patient. Additionally, many dental procedures involve the use of injectables, such as anesthesia, making dentists highly skilled in delivering injections. Dr. Pattani is committed to providing the best possible patient care, ensuring that his patients receive the highest level of safety, comfort, and satisfaction during their treatment.
Botox (Before & After)
1’s,11’s & 111’s
Crows Feet
Micro Lip Flip
Vertical Lip Lines
Forehead Lines
Fillers (Before & After)
Lips: Most Volume
Lips: Medium Volume
Lips: Small Volume
Naso-Labial Folds
Marionette Lines
Dorsal Hump
Who does Botox treat?Botox (and other neuromodulators like Xeomin) can safely and effectively treat men and women age 18 and older for the temporary removal and prevention of fine lines and wrinkles that are caused by muscles. Botox can also effectively lighten or stop the occurence of migraines and headaches in certain individuals. Botox and other neuromodulators can also reduce the destructive forces of bruxism (grinding) and clenching of the teeth.
What should I expect from my first appointment?Your first appointment is a free consultation appointment (with optional treatment). We will perform an examination and evaluation to understand what your specific concerns are and if you are a candidate for Botox treatment. We will take photos and explain the different areas that we feel Botox will be able to address your concerns. Ultimately, it is always your choice on whether you want to move forward with treatment. If you do decide to move forward, we will be ready to administer your treatment on the same day as your initial consultation appointment. We will schedule a follow-up appointment for any touch-ups and to update your plan for future appointments based on the results achieved.
How many units do I need?During your initial consultation, we will map out a plan for your treatment based on your areas of concern. Each treatment plan is specific to the patient. The number of units needed are different for different areas of application and different muscle strengths. Some typical unit estimates are (acutal units will be determined at your consulation and adjusted as needed based on results): 1s, 11s, 111s (glabella) 20 units forehead lines 10 units crowsfeet (each side) 5 units masseter (each side) 10 -15 units for slimming *15-20 units for pain, clenching, migraines, headaches chin 5-10 units temple (each side) 5-10 units *for myofascial/trigger point pain, migraines, headaches neck 5-15 units *for myofascial/trigger point pain, migraines, headaches trapezoids 10-20 units *for myofascial/trigger point pain, migraines, headaches
When do you see results?Most people will start to see results in 2-3 days. In some people, it can take longer (up to two weeks). If you haven't noticed the changes you wanted by the end of two weeks, we will recommend additional units at your 2 week follow-up to achieve the results you want.
How long does it last?Typically, Botox results last for 3-4 months. In some people it can last shorter and in some people it can last longer. There are many patient dependent variables that can affect the longevity of Botox including: metabolic rate, exercise, activity and anatomy to name a few. To maintain your results, you will need to retreat the areas you are maintaining.
Is there downtimeAlthough there is no anticipated down-time after your treatment, we will ask you to refrain from excessive exertion for a period of 24 hours. Although we try our best to minimize pain and bruising by using the slimmest possible needles on the market, there is always a chance that you will experience some bruising after a treatment. Bruising is typically very minor and usually just lasts a few days. We do recommend that you plan your Botox treatments so that you do not have any major events scheduled for the following two weeks so that the effects of the treatment will be fully achieved.
Will I look fake or over done?Our goal is not to make your face appear frozen or emotionless. The ultimate goal of our Botox treatments is to smooth out wrinkles and lines to enhance your appearance without it being obvious that you've had any treatment. We want you to be able to express emotion and look completely natural. Dr Pattani always starts out very conservatively with Botox and filler treatments. We do our best to err on the side of less. We can always add additional Botos or fillers at your 2 week follow up appointment if needed/desired. With all this said, there is always a risk that with too much Botox, you can look more "frozen" than you wanted. Botox is not permanent and the effects will wear off over the coarse of 2-4 months.
Am I too young for Botox?Unless specifically prescribed by a doctor to address specific medical conditions (headaches, migraines, myofascial pain), you must be 18 years old to receive Botox treatment.
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